Thursday 24 August 2017

Lump Sum Investments or SIP which is the one right for you?

Money is one thing that runs almost everything in the market and economy simultaneously.  Businessman, Entrepreneurs and individuals build their business & looks for market investors for making their stronghold in the market. These can give higher returns in short period of time if the business get successful but are more risky as new ventures can fail drastically too. Also there are well established companies who at regular intervals look for market to fetch money from the public stocks. Although their returns are low but for longer term you will enjoy the dividends they offer. For individual to start investing in markets lump sums and SIP we are going to discuss below with their advantages and disadvantages. There are many factors that one can consider before starting investing in the volatile markets.
Duration: Systematic Investment Plans or SIP have always proven to better when placed in longer investments. For short term duration like 3 to 5 years Lump Sum investments have got better results that one achieve better. SIPs depend on market and there are certainly risks involved, there are chances that you might get better in short terms but chances of crashing the markets will be there. SIP is minimum bound for three years and if used judiciously even some achieve better return in shorter duration also. Wealth generation, retirement security child education and marriage planning are what people look to invest through these schemes.
First Time Investors: Those who are naïve or looking to get the footholds in the market this SIP is one of the sophisticated way for future wealth security. With every month automated deposits no needs of any delays and investment get increased regularly. Professional Certified Financial Planner has the right information about various plans running in the market that can give respective better returns for the appropriate investment.
Salaried or Business: Method of earning is certainly one factor that puts your way of investment accordingly. Salary persons are more prone get their monthly SIP fixed which can lead to future revenue generation in more sophisticated way while for businessman the return can be timely or seasonal which puts them on irregular pattern. Both have their respective nature of returns in long time and SIP has proven to better with long term duration starting with 10 years beyond. There are exceptions to every rule and it might be possible that returns are profitable within short term period too.

Understanding: Every individual in market is looking to secure their future with best investment schemes in the market. There are hundreds of businesses running simultaneously who are fetching money through these schemes as people tend to take risks with their money for better results. But for every once in while there are bound to circumstances that results in downfall which lowers stock value hence loss. Understanding the ebbs and flow of market requires experts which are easily available in WealthCareIndia who have more than 20 years of experience in building wealth for respective clients through market investment.
At WealthCareIndia which is Online Financial Planning Company for wealth management serves client from all walks of field that has the right skills and experience. We respect the client financials with privilege, security, integrity and long term futuristic solution that will have better wealth generation accordingly. Our team of professional and skilled individuals will guide you in the investment plans that are profitable as per personal recommendation. All the details and methods used are under strict market rules and follow all guidelines are served by government.
Source: - Click Here

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